Cat Denis au Mali

Monday, August 07, 2006


I'm feeling really really patient today so I updated the whole blog and went back to add pictures here and there... Here are a few more fun ones, enjoy! Only three weeks or so to go, and I'm not ready to go back home... Time flies when you're having fun and learning lots, that sure is no lie! Of course, I can't wait to see all of you, though, so I'll be hopping on that plane. Because school is cool. Argh.
My boys in Waterloo should enjoy this one. My maple syrup obsession, confirmed!

This one goes out to my Waterloo boys as well, or anyone else into Ultimate Frisbee. Here is a picture of a cute kid with the world's most beat up frisbee. Oh you should see the other side of it. It's all black from their attempt to melt the thing back together. Here's the best part: they still play with it every day. I don't know how they manage to get that thing flying, because it weighs a ton, but it makes you appreciate their love for the game!

I think this one so cute. This is my girl Em and I when we went clubbing in Sévaré. The party stopped when there was yet another power outtage ahaha!

This is my best buddy Amadou. He took me to the traditional brewery where they make Chapata. You really need to get used to the taste, but the whole tour explaining the brewing process, given by Amadou himself pretending to be a great brewmaster, made it all worth the trip :)


At 3:17 AM, Blogger Megan said...

Wow. Gorgeous pictures Cat! I love the one of the frisbee - in fact, if we ever do another EWB ultimate game it's getting blown up into poster size ;)

Hard to believe it's only 2 weeks to go, but I hope you've managed to refind some of your motivation. Looking forward to our chats when we return!



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